Workshop on Current Issues in Linguistic Interfaces


July 21-26, 2008

Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


A workshop on Current Issues in Linguistic Interfaces will be held in conjunction with the 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18).



Professor Jong-Yurl Yoon

Dept. of English Language & Literature

Kookmin University

Jeongneung-gil 77, Jeongneung-dong

Seongbuk-gu, Seoul

South Korea

E-mail address:

Tel.: 82-2-910-4378




Recent developments in the linguistic interfaces between phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics have led to new insights into the nature of the human linguistic capacity.  The focus of research has been put on discovering to what extent syntax can be relieved of descriptive burden, and how much of a particular linguistic phenomenon can be attributed to interface mechanisms.  Yet, it is still quite controversial whether a phenomenon is an effect of narrow-syntactic computation or an effect of interfaces.  Also, even among the accounts of a phenomenon in terms of interface properties, there seems to be yet no converging consensus for a unified theory, partly because of lack of concrete pictures of the workings of the interface systems themselves.  Given that properties of the interface systems have far-reaching consequences for our view of UG, a broad array of issues and problems that have been raised in recent years from an interdisciplinary point of view bear some scrutiny and assessment at the present course of theoretical developments.  This workshop aims to bring together researchers whose work focuses on theoretical and/or experimental issues concerning the interface issues to get more profound insights into the workings of the language faculty with reference to the neighboring systems.


This workshop is mainly concerned with the issues on the interaction of   phonology/syntax, syntax/semantics, morphology/syntax, and morphology/phonology, but experimental findings on interface issues in the applied linguistics field will also be a topic of discussion.  


Important Dates:


¡Ü August  31, 2007: Deadline for submitting the abstract.

¡Ü November 30, 2007: Notification of acceptance.


Form and submission of abstracts:


An abstract(.pdf or .doc file) should be up to 3 pages long, including data and references.

The abstract should start with the title of the paper, followed by the text of the abstract.

Please do not include the author's name in the abstract. On a separate page, please give

the author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number, mailing address, the paper title and the session number(title).


Please send the abstract and the author's information to both and