Workshop on Interfaces in Phonology



July 21-26, 2008

Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


A workshop on interface conditions will be held in conjunction with the 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18).



Jongho Jun
Dept. of Linguistics
Seoul National University
San 56-1, Sillim-Dong, Gwanak-Gu
Seoul, 151-742 South Korea
Phone: 82-2-880-6169




In recent years, much interest has been attracted to the interaction between different parts of the grammar. Developments of new theories and descriptive methods in the research on each part may provide a new insight into understanding other parts. Phonology interacts with almost all other parts of the grammar including phonetics, morphology, semantics, and syntax. This workshop aims to elucidate the interfaces between phonology and other parts of the grammar.

Data collection methods, which have recently been developed mainly for the research of other sub-fields of linguistics or even extra-linguistic research, extend the range of phonological investigation. Increasing use of high-tech experimental devices in phonetic research reveals acoustic or articulatory phonetic details involved in phonological patterns with improved accuracy. Psycho-linguistic experiments are often adopted in order to verify phonological analyses and claims. Corpora, text or spoken, have been established in many different languages and in various different formats. Frequency effects in phonology can be tested with these corpora.

Topics are not limited to cases in which research on other parts of the grammar contributes to phonological theorizing or description. Opposite cases, in which phonological research results make a valuable contribution to other fields, will be discussed.

We also provide a forum for discussing the relationship between phonological theories, for instance, Optimality Theory, and theories of other fields. Topics include not only cases in which they are well compatible with each other, but also cases in which they are in conflict with each other.


Invited speakers

        ¡Ü Bruce Hayes (UCLA, USA)

        ¡Ü Haruo Kubozono (Kobe University, Japan)


Important Dates:

¡Ü August  31, 2007: Deadline for submitting the abstract.

¡Ü November 30, 2007: Notification of acceptance.


Submission of Abstracts:

Please send an e-mail containing the author¡¯s information along with your abstract to both and

The subject of the e-mail message should specify ¡°Workshop Abstract: Interfaces in Phonology¡±, and the body should include the following information:

(i) title of the paper

(ii) author¡¯s name(s), affiliation and e-mail address.


A two-page abstract including everything (references and examples) should start with the title of the paper, followed by the text of the abstract. Please do not include the author's name in the abstract. MS Word and pdf files are strongly preferred. For more information, visit the website ( ) or contact the organizer at